Salivary Gland Diseases
The most important ones are sialolith, inflammations and tumors. Sialolith blocks salivary gland and swells the salivary gland, this disease is called “sialolithiasis”. “Ranula” that is formed as a result of obstruction of salivary gland under the tongue is the best example of this.
Mumps is the most frequently encountered inflammation of salivary gland. It is an epidemic viral disease. Leading tumor is named as “mixed tumor”. It is a benign tumor. It consists of parotid and small intraoral salivary glands. It may repeat it is not removed completely by surgery. Salivary gland cancer is rarely observed. Mucocele is a small and blue-colored cyst occurring as a result of biting lower lip. It can recover by itself after it bursts.
Abnormalities of salivary gland that give disturbance can be grouped as follows:
1. Obstruction
Obstruction is mostly observed in parotid and submandibular glands because of formation of stones. Complaints are typically experienced during eating. Formation of saliva speed up during eating, however it can not run because of obstruction and causes severe pain and swelling sometimes accompanied by inflammation.
2. Swelling, Edema
If stones do not constitute a complete obstruction, glands swell during eating and slowly return to their previous position slowly, until the next meal. Microbes grow more easily in the saliva accumulated and cause severe pain and swelling. If it is not treated in time abscesses may form. Main canals of salivary glands may be abnormal in some individuals. These canals create narrowness, reduce saliva flow and cause complaints of obstruction.
3. Inflammation
The most frequent salivary gland inflammation is “mumps” that influence parotid gland. It is mostly seen in children, however adults may also fall ill. However, if there is a swelling in the parotid region of an adult, this swelling is mostly because of obstruction or tumor. We mentioned inflammation arising from canal narrowness and decrease in the saliva flow previously.
There may be secondary inflammation in the salivary glands because of inflammation of neighboring lymphatic glands. These are sensitive lymphatic glands seen in the upper section of throat after throat ache. Part of these lymphatic glands is in fact located over, inside and under the parotid gland or next to the submandibular gland. When lymphatic glands get inflamed they cause redness and painful swelling. Lymphatic glands enlarge because of tumors and edema.
4. Tumors
Primary tumors of salivary gland show themselves in the beginning in the form of painless swelling. Tumors are rarely found in more than one gland, and they can be located in front of the ear, inside the mouth, on the palate, floor of the mouth, cheeks and lips. These swellings should be evaluated by ear, nose, throat and head-neck surgeons. Malign tumors of large salivary glands grow fast, they are painful and they can prevent facial movements on that side. These complaints should be investigated immediately.
Salivary glands also swell in some special diseases. Generally mouth-eye dryness is seen in the patients. This situation may be accompanied by articular rheumatism. Diabetes may cause swelling especially in the parotid gland. In general, bilateral parotid gland swelling is seen in alcoholics.
Dizziness and Balance Disorders
Dizziness and balance disorders may be experienced as a result of disorders in three components that maintain balance of the organism. These diseases are treated in our center by attending physicians, because they can take its source from many organs and systems.
Primary patient groups:
- Dizziness and imbalances originating from internal ear diseases
- Head traumas as a result of accident
- Cerebellar diseases
- Stroke (mostly seen in old people)
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Patients who are old and frequently fall
- Cerebral Palsy (Congenital brain patients)
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Balance disorders arising from diabetes
- Dizziness because of neck diseases (neck arthritis, cervical disc hernia, etc.)
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