Bent nose complicates your period of pregnancy and afterwards

Besides septum deviation, swelling of concha and sinusitis diseases also cause anatomic narrowing and thus nasal obstruction. When pregnancy cold is added to these problems, situation may be very disturbing. Deviations on the nose may be formed genetically or as a result of impacts and collisions, or during birth when the face is pressed while getting out of the narrow uterus. Cartilage fractures formed in the newborn period become apparent during growth. Sometimes narrowness of nose frame or weakness of side walls of the nose may accompany to nasal bone curvature. Baby can not breath during breast-feeding and feels anxious. It will be beneficiary to visit an ENT specialist for a comfortable pregnancy period and afterwards.

Watch out your ear in the plane trip

Problem may develop in the ear during landing of the plane. This is originates from pressure difference on both sides of the eardrum because of pressure alterations in the cabinet while the plane is landing. Usually ear pain accompanies this pressure inequality.

  • Indications and findings that may be seen in the ear during flight:
  • Disturbance or pain in the middle ear
  • Mild or moderate hearing loss, creaky hearing
You can experience following disorders that you may encounter during flight and may continue more than several hours:
  • Intense pain
  • Pressure feeling in the ear
  • Moderate or severe hearing loss
  • Tinnitus (tinkling)
  • Dizziness (vertigo)
  • Dizziness accompanies with vomiting
  • Bleeding from ear
Please visit an ENT specialist as quickly as possible.


Reason of car sickness may be the ear

It is considered that complaint called situation sickness occurs when there is a conflict among vision, sense organs that are responsible for keeping us standing and ensuring our balance and internal ear that helps balancing. It will be beneficial to have an ear nose and throat examination if you are experiencing car sickness.

If cholesteatoma is not treated, it causes deafness

It is abnormal skin growth that develops in the middle ear behind the eardrum. Ear cholesteatomas may be dangerous and should not be neglected. It may cause bone loss, and spreading of inflammation to surrounding tissues like brain and internal ear. If not treated, it may cause deafness, cerebral abscess, meningitis and rarely death.

It is harmful to use cotton swabs.

In fact, cotton swabs were designed to clean the curves in the earlap, the groove behind your ear. However, many people use these sticks to clean inside of the ear canals, it is completely wrong. Ear has a mechanism that cleans even protects itself. Hairs in the entrance of ear canal hold foreign matters, and throw them outside of the ear canal by realizing stroke action. Secretion with acidic content and produced by the glands in the bottom of hairs also has a protective feature, and it is thrown out by hairs in pieces. Insertion of cotton swabs into the ear canal disturbs this mechanism in due course. On the other hand, it can only take a small part of the earwax to outside, and puts must of it in front of the eardrum.

Be careful about hearing loss in children!

We encounter hearing loss in children substantially. The most common reason of hearing loss in children is the non-inflamed fluid in the middle ear. This situation known as serous otitis, is seen between ages 2 and 8. There is no warning signal like pain, thus parents can not notice the hearing loss in this stage. It will be advantageous to take your children to ENT specialist for diagnosis of diseases like this.

Snoring in sleep and obstruction in children arise from nose and throat regions.

Snoring is encountered in 10% and sleep apnea in 2% of children. Nasal obstruction is the reason of snoring and sleep apnea in children. Adenoids, allergy, sinusitis, nose inflammations, common cold, deviations and curvatures that cause narrowness in the cartilage bone structure of nose, enlargement of turbinates called concha, formations called extra polyps in the nose, foreign matters inserted to nose, big tonsils and adenoids, big tongue are the most important reasons of snoring and obstruction. When adenoid and tonsils of children who have snoring and sleep apnea are removed by operation, problems are completely eliminated.

Not being able to breath from our nose affects our life adversely

Nasal obstruction is the decrease or stoppage of air passage from the nasal cavities. Normal breathing is performed by nose. This duty becomes difficult or impossible in case of nasal obstruction. It also causes bad breath, sleep apnea and snoring, reduction in smelling and tasting senses. Nasal obstruction also influences social life. Fatigue during daytime, falling asleep, sleep deprivation, motivation problems at work can be experienced. Bedwetting at nights, headache, attention deficit, failure at school can be seen in children.

Ear diseases are the most frequent causes of dizziness (vertigo)

Diseases arising from internal ear are the most frequently encountered causes of dizziness. Dizziness is observed a result of change in the head and body positions sometimes accompanied with nausea. Complaints continue for several seconds or minutes. Ear responsible for the complaints is mostly the one that is turned towards ground. Complaints like hearing loss, pressure in the ear or tinnitus are not experienced. ENT specialist helps you to make special maneuvers to treat this complaint and patient recovers quickly.

The most important reasons that cause nasal obstruction

Deviation of cartilage bone structure (septum) that constitute middle section of the nose (septum deviations) causes permanent nasal obstruction in cases like enlargement of turbinates called concha hypertrophy or growth of adenoid in children called adenoid hypertrophy. If not treated, it adversely affects life quality.

Last update date: 30.03.2015 14:15.
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